Is the Almond Industry Bad for the Environment?

Almonds have increasingly come under scrutiny for their environmental impact. The main debates revolve around water consumption, pesticide use, and other ecological factors.
This post will outline the challenges and ecological costs associated with almond farming. We will explore issues such as water usage, soil health, and the impact on pollinators.
Given the complexity of the subject, we will address strategies for more sustainable almond farming in a separate blog post. But, for now, let’s focus on understanding the current ecological impact of this industry.
Water Consumption
Water consumption in almond farming is a topic that draws attention due to its perceived high usage. Traditionally, one gallon of water is needed to produce a single almond.
Almond water footprint compared to other crops
Nut cultivation is generally water-intensive, but almonds sit at the higher end of the spectrum, alongside pistachios, cashews, and walnuts.
A Dutch study on water use offers a global view across various crops. Almonds are about 40 times more water-intensive compared to vegetables such as carrots, pumpkins, and onions. Relative to fruit trees like oranges and lemons, almonds require approximately 12 times more water.
These numbers refer to in-shell almonds. The same study revealed that peeled almonds need twice as much water. Since peeled almonds are the most common form found in stores, doubling these figures provides a more accurate representation.
Regional water resource implications
High water requirements for almond farming are even more critical in drought-prone regions like California, the global hub for almond production. Such a water-intensive crop frequently becomes a subject of concern in local communities, agricultural circles, and environmental conservation efforts.
Water for the production of almonds is primarily obtained from surface sources like rivers and reservoirs. But underground aquifers are also used, especially during drought conditions, when surface water is less reliable.
This reliance on multiple water sources adds another layer of complexity to the sustainability debate. Rivers experience reduced flow, and aquifers get depleted. This leads to the depletion of local water tables and affects local wildlife habitats.
The image below showcases irrigation water pipes amidst the arid landscape of Southern California. It gives you a better idea of the region’s water scarcity challenges.

Reduced water availability can lead to habitat loss for aquatic species and create ripple effects throughout local ecosystems. This adds another dimension to the environmental costs, complicating future water management and leaving lasting impacts.
Pesticide Use in Almond Farming
Pesticides are commonly used in the cultivation of almonds to control a range of pests, from insects to fungi. Some of the most frequently used include:
- Ziram: Effective against fungi, but can be toxic to aquatic organisms.
- Oryzalin: Primarily used as a herbicide and known to have low toxicity for mammals, but it may contaminate water systems.
- Glyphosate: Widely used and highly effective but has sparked debates over its potential to cause soil degradation and harm non-target plants.
- Paraquat Dichloride: Extremely effective against weeds but is highly toxic to aquatic life and can result in water contamination if not managed properly.
- Clarified Hydrochloric Extract: Used against a broad spectrum of pests but can be harmful to beneficial insects and microorganisms in the soil.
While effective for pest control, these chemicals pose environmental risks. They can lead to soil and water contamination. Moreover, pesticides can harm non-target species, disrupting local ecosystems.
Persistence of pesticide residues
Some pesticides, like Glyphosate, can persist in the soil for weeks or even months after application. In water bodies, pesticides like Paraquat Dichloride can remain for extended periods, affecting aquatic life and potentially entering the human food chain through fish consumption.
Understanding the half-life of each pesticide (how long it takes for 50% of the chemical to degrade) is essential. For instance, Ziram has a soil half-life of approximately two to four weeks, and Oryzalin can remain for up to eight months. This long-lasting presence increases the risk of cumulative environmental impacts.
Pesticide Runoff and Aquatic Ecosystems
Pesticide residues can make their way into rivers, lakes, and streams, which poses a risk to marine life. Fish and amphibians are notably susceptible to the toxic effects of these chemicals.
High pesticide concentrations in water bodies can also lead to algal blooms. These blooms consume oxygen in the water, resulting in hypoxic conditions which are potentially fatal for aquatic species. The overgrowth of algae also blocks sunlight from underwater plants. In extreme cases, algal blooms can cause “dead zones,” where most aquatic life can’t survive.

This aspect of pesticide use necessitates the creation and adherence to buffer zones around water bodies. It also calls for continuous monitoring of water quality to safeguard aquatic ecosystems.
Pesticide safety and regulations
Farm workers exposed to these chemicals face various health risks. These range from skin irritations to more severe conditions like respiratory problems. To mitigate these risks, appropriate safety measures are crucial. Protective gear and proper pesticide handling procedures are essential.
Legal regulations
Legal regulations safeguard both the environment and farm workers. Here are a few of the most important regulators:
- The Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) sets rules at the national level. This covers pesticide registration, distribution, and usage.
- The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) enforces pesticide regulations. It aims to ensure environmental sustainability and public health.
- In states like California, which produces a large portion of the world’s almonds, additional rules apply. The California Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) mandates strict guidelines. These include limitations on pesticide application near water sources to prevent contamination.
Additionally, local organizations and agricultural boards often participate in shaping pesticide guidelines. Farmers must stay informed about the latest rules and technologies connected to pesticide use and its impact
Soil Health
Even though almond trees can grow in different soils, with a pH level ranging between 5.5 and 8.5, their optimal pH is between 6.5 and 8. And many farmers choose to adjust to those pH levels. These conditions often necessitate fertilizers and amendments to create a suitable environment for the trees.
While essential for high yields, these practices can have a dual impact on soil health. On the one hand, the targeted use of fertilizers can improve soil nutrients. On the other hand, excessive or improper use can lead to soil degradation. This depletes the soil of essential minerals and affects its structure.
Potential for soil erosion and sedimentation
In addition to concerns about soil fertility, almond farming can contribute to soil erosion. That usually happens in areas where natural vegetation has been cleared to make way for orchards. This removal of ground cover can make the soil more susceptible to both wind and water erosion.
The eroded soil often finds its way into local water bodies, leading to sedimentation. As a result, this poses a threat to marine life, as it decreases water quality and can smother aquatic habitats. Erosion also speeds up the loss of topsoil, the most fertile part of the soil. As a result, it diminishes its ability to retain moisture and nutrients.
The loss of topsoil means that more synthetic fertilizers are often needed, creating a cycle that can further degrade soil and water health.
Carbon Footprint of Almond Farming
Almond farming involves energy-intensive activities such as machinery operation and fertilizer application. A 2015 study by the University of California–Davis (UCD) suggests that the carbon footprint per kilogram of California almonds is less than one kilogram of CO2-equivalent emissions.
The UCD study assesses this footprint across the entire lifecycle of almond production, including soil preparation, tree planting, irrigation, harvesting, and processing. The study also accounted for the use of almond co-products. Orchard biomass, hulls, and shells can serve as renewable energy sources or dairy feed.
Promising research suggests further reductions in the carbon footprint of almond farming are possible. Alissa Kendall, a researcher in the UCD study, notes that under ideal but achievable conditions, California almonds could become carbon-neutral or even carbon-negative. This optimistic outlook is primarily attributed to improved utilization of orchard biomass.
Pollinator Concerns
The almond sector has an undeniable reliance on bee pollination. However, this relationship isn’t without its complexities and risks. California’s almond industry often employs large-scale agricultural methods that can be detrimental to pollinators, such as extensive pesticide use. Reduced habitat diversity and poor beekeeping protocols add layers of risk. Such factors make this industry a hotbed for pollinator stressors.
Risk of disease spread
The high demand for almond pollination leads to a massive congregation of beehives in specific regions. This clustering elevates the risk of disease transmission among bee colonies, potentially causing widespread colony collapses.
Habitat concerns
Regions most dependent on insect pollinators for high-value crops like almonds often lack suitable habitats for these pollinators. The routine application of pesticides and scarcity of diverse flora exacerbate the problem. This worsens conditions for pollinators already under stress.
Pollinator mortality and its implications
The mortality rate among bee colonies during almond pollination is significant. With hundreds of thousands of colonies collapsing annually in California, pollination services costs have skyrocketed. They have become a substantial portion of operational expenses for almond farmers. Our upcoming blog post will provide a detailed analysis of pollinators in almond farming.
Final Thoughts
Almonds contribute significantly to the agricultural industry. However, we cannot ignore the environmental costs associated with their cultivation. Neglecting these challenges would result in ecological degradation and jeopardize the viability of almond farming. That’s especially true when we consider changing climate conditions and resource scarcity.
Taking on these challenges requires collaboration from farmers, researchers, policymakers, and consumers. Together, we can make strides toward more sustainable practices, to ensure ecological and economic viability for future generations.